What Are Contra Accounts?

Contra Asset Account

A company creates allowances for doubtful accounts to record the portion of accounts receivable which it believes it will no longer be able to collect. The amount in allowance for doubtful accounts is deducted from the accounts receivable account of a company.

For example, accumulated depreciation is a contra-asset that reduces the value of a company’s fixed assets, resulting in net assets. Contra asset accounts provide business owners with the true value of certain asset accounts. For example, let’s say your accounts receivable balance is currently $11,500, but you’re not entirely sure that you’ll be able to collect the entire balance due. Again, accumulated depreciation reduced fixed and capital asset balances. Apple breaks out its amount of property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) and then lists its accumulated deprecation that reduces the PP&E figure.

Obsolete Inventory Reserves

Despite being classified as a liability, it functions more like an asset because benefits are provided to the company. While technically classified as an asset, it functions closer to a liability as it reduces the value of the asset it is paired with. We can see how the $10,000 allowance for doubtful accounts offsets the $100,000 A/R account from our illustrative example above (i.e. the account decreases the carrying value of A/R). Still, the dollar amounts are separately broken out in the supplementary sections most of the time for greater transparency in financial reporting.

Contra Asset Account

Balance Sheet AccountsA balance sheet is one of the financial statements of a company that presents the shareholders’ equity, liabilities, and assets of the company at a specific point in time. It is based on the accounting equation that states that the sum of the total liabilities and the owner’s capital equals the total assets of the company. The contra asset account, accumulated depreciation, is always a credit balance. This balance is used to offset the value of the asset being depreciated, so as of September 1, your $8,000 asset now has a book value of $7,866.67. Writing off your obsolete inventory in this manner allows you to expense the cost of the obsolete inventory while also decreasing your current inventory balance using the contra asset account. The accumulated depreciation account is perhaps the most common contra asset account used by business owners. Contra assets are accounts in the general ledger—where you enter your transactions—that carry a balance used to offset the account with which it is paired.

Reserve For Obsolete Inventory

In addition, the prior one has a credit balance while the latter one has a debit balance. After having elaborated examples of contra asset and contra revenue account it has become easier to understand the difference. Revenues do not appear on the balance sheet but are listed as part of the income statement. Some accounting professionals use contra revenue accounts to adjust gross receipts and calculate net revenue. Contra revenue carries a debit balance and may be listed as sales discounts, sales returns, or sales allowances. Contra assets are an important bookkeeping concept that helps balance a business’s books.

Normal asset accounts have a debit balance, while contra asset accounts are in a credit balance. Therefore, a contra asset can be regarded as a negative asset account. Offsetting the asset account with its respective contra asset account shows the net balance of that asset. The bad debt, or allowance for doubtful accounts has a credit balance to offset the value of accounts receivable. There are different types of Contra Accounts and the most common are contra asset, contra liability, contra equity and contra revenue accounts. The contra liability account is less common than the contra asset account. An example of a contra liability account is the bond discount account, which offsets the bond payable account.

Overview Of Contra Asset Account

Often when a company extends goods on credit, management expects some of those customers not to pay and so anticipates writing off bad debt. On the balance sheet, the allowance for doubtful accounts can reduce the totals in the business’s accounts receivable. So, if the company reported receivables amounting to $100,000, the estimated 5% default rate would reduce the number of accounts receivable by $5,000. Now let’s focus our attention on the two most common contra assets – accumulated depreciation and allowance for doubtful accounts. Contrarily, a revenue account is an account that records what we earn. Above all, the contra revenue account is the one that goes in reverse. To sum up, the increase in revenue is credit, and the decrease in revenue is debit.

DateParticularsDebitCreditxxxDepreciation$20,000Machinery$20,000In this example, the asset account is reduced by $20,000. So, the chart above clearly displays the difference between contra assets and contra revenue. A classic example of human error creating a credit balance on in an asset account is bouncing a check.

Contra Asset Account

Revenue from sales, revenue from rental income, revenue from interest income, are it’s common examples. Another type of contra account is known as “contra revenue,” which is used to adjust gross revenue to calculate net revenue, i.e. the “final” revenue figure listed on the income statement. Contra EquityAn example of a contra equity account would be treasury stock, the amount paid to repurchase previous issuances of stock, which reduces shareholders equity and the total number of shares outstanding. Contra EquityA contra equity account has a debit balance instead of a credit.

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In the balance sheet, the accounts receivable would be reflected after adjusting this allowance account. If it is the first year of operation, there is no outstanding balance in the allowance account. When a company gives a discount to customers in an effort to convince them to buy its goods or services, it is recorded in the discount on sales account. There are many situations where one account is used to offset another account.

Business owners should understand the functions of contra accounts and their importance to maintaining accurate financial records. Every contra asset account on a company’s accounting records will also have a pairing account. For example, accumulated depreciation will go along with related assets. Similarly, allowance for receivables will pair with accounts receivable balances.

GAAP, the allowance for doubtful accounts represents management’s estimate of the percentage of “uncollectible” accounts receivable (i.e. the credit purchases from customers that are not expected to be paid). A contra account enables a company to report the original amount while also reporting the appropriate downward adjustment. Depreciation is an accounting method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life to account for declines in value over time. Mark to market is a method of measuring the fair value of accounts that can fluctuate over time, such as assets and liabilities.

When reporting a contra account in a company’s financial statement, it is reported immediately below the account it relates to or corresponds. Contra accounts have different names depending on the account they correspond. For instance, a contra account that relates to an accounts receivable is called a contra asset account. Allowance for doubtful accounts is a common contra asset listed on a company’s balance sheet under accounts receivable. When a company sells its products or services to customers on credit, the company records the amount sold in its accounts receivable account.

The accumulated depreciation account appears on the balance sheet and reduces the gross amount of fixed assets. Contra accounts are used to reduce the original account directly, keeping financial accounting records clean. The difference between an asset’s balance and the contra account asset balance is the book value. Contra revenue is a general ledger account with a debit balance that reduces the normal credit balance of a standard revenue account to present the net value of sales generated by a business on its income statement. Examples of revenue contra accounts are Sales Discounts, Returns and Allowances.

Contra Asset, Contra Liability & Contra Equity

Accumulated Depreciation contra account contains the cumulative sum total of all the depreciation expenses that have been charged against those fixed assets over time. Any account that reduces the balance of an asset account is said to be a contra asset account. On the other hand, an account reducing the balance of the revenue account is considered a contra revenue account. Treasury stock is a contra equity account that is entered as a negative value on the balance sheet of public companies. It shows the amount of funds used to repurchase previous issuances of stock, reducing the total number of shares outstanding. Each contra asset account serves a different specific purpose, but they are have a couple things in common, too.

The reduction in the sale price of a product due to quality defects or mistakes, in an effort to encourage the customer to keep a product with minor defects in exchange for the discount. Mary Girsch-Bock is the expert on accounting software and payroll software for The Ascent. If you stock a limited amount of inventory, you could probably do without it. Nora O’Malley covers small business finance and entrepreneurship topics for The Balance. Along with her writing work, Nora is an entrepreneur and consultant who opened an all-tap wine bar in New York’s East Village dubbed Lois and owns a sophisticated snack food business Aida.

It is a contra-account, the difference between the asset’s purchase price and its carrying value on the balance sheet. The transactions made in this account are reported on a company’s financial statements directly under the related account. Contra asset accounts can be used in a variety of areas, but there are three contra asset examples that you should pay close attention to. Asset accounts always maintain a debit balance, so anytime that you increase the value of an asset, such as when you deposit customer payments or invoice a customer, that asset account is debited or increased. Likewise, when you pay a bill, your cash account is reduced because you’re lowering the balance. This type of reporting allows anyone analyzing the balance sheet to understand much more about the company and its assets than if they were to simply look at the net value of the depreciated asset.

  • A classic example of human error creating a credit balance on in an asset account is bouncing a check.
  • So far, we’ve discussed contra asset accounts, which offset the value of asset account balances.
  • DateParticularsDr.Cr.Depreciation$10,000Accumulated Depreciation$10,000In the above example, depreciation is an expense account.
  • Similarly, it allows companies to retrieve original account balances without complicated calculations.
  • Contra asset accounts provide business owners with the true value of certain asset accounts.
  • The percentage of sales method assumes that the company cannot collect payment for a fixed percentage of goods or services that it has sold.

Consequently, in the first year, the equipment would reflect a net value of $90,000, which is computed by deducting the accumulated depreciation from the equipment’s historical cost. In this method, bad debt expense is estimated for the period and is recorded as an expense while the allowance account is credited. The balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts is used to find out the dollar value of the current accounts receivable balance that is deemed uncollectible. The balance sheet shows the amount in the asset section underneath the accounts receivable. The net value of both these figures is usually reported on a third line. Contra accounts are shown in the financial statements below the paired accounts, although sometimes the balances of the two accounts are merged to a net amount for presentation purposes.

This amount may appear on a company’s balance sheet, and it can ultimately result in a reduction in the gross amount of a business’s fixed assets. Above mentioned journal entry shows a stark difference between contra asset and contra revenue account.

Allowance For Doubtful Debts Accounts

A company can choose to state this information as separate line items on its balance sheet so that any financial planners or analysts can determine the extent to which a paired asset might be reduced. For both contra asset accounts, the entry is a debit to an expense and the credit is to the contra asset account. The use of contra accounts ensures the accuracy of financial accounting records, as the value of the original accounts is not directly reduced.

Notes payable represents a liability created when a company signs a written agreement to borrow a specific amount of money. The lender may offer the company a discount if it repays the note early. The discount on notes payable reduces the total amount of the note to reflect the discount given by the lender. Overall, contra accounts are offsetting balances that are the opposite of specific accounts. There are several examples of contra accounts, including accumulated depreciation, accumulated depletion, accumulated amortization, allowance for receivables, etc. These are all examples of https://www.bookstime.com/s, which are the prevalent type of contra accounts.

Debit BalanceIn a General Ledger, when the total credit entries are less than the total number of debit entries, it refers to a debit balance. Contra Asset Account A debit balance is a net amount often calculated as debit minus credit in the General Ledger after recording every transaction.


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